Arte Terapéutico

Conectamos comunidades a través del arte y la sanación.

A watercolor painting depicts a serene, abstract figure with a peacock feather adorning the head. The figure has closed eyes and a calming presence, with a flute resting on the shoulder and a garland draped around the neck. Soft blues dominate the background, creating a soothing atmosphere.
A watercolor painting depicts a serene, abstract figure with a peacock feather adorning the head. The figure has closed eyes and a calming presence, with a flute resting on the shoulder and a garland draped around the neck. Soft blues dominate the background, creating a soothing atmosphere.
Sembrar Futuro

Nuestra visión holística nos guía a sembrar para cosechar un futuro mejor, donde cada individuo es parte de un sistema interconectado que busca el bienestar colectivo a través del arte.

A collection of handmade artistic drawings displayed outdoors. The drawings feature various abstract and cartoonish depictions, including faces, peace symbols, hearts, and leaves. Many pieces are colorful and express messages like 'Love,' 'Create,' and 'Zen.' Some drawings incorporate elements such as cannabis leaves and a prominent image resembling a historical figure.
A collection of handmade artistic drawings displayed outdoors. The drawings feature various abstract and cartoonish depictions, including faces, peace symbols, hearts, and leaves. Many pieces are colorful and express messages like 'Love,' 'Create,' and 'Zen.' Some drawings incorporate elements such as cannabis leaves and a prominent image resembling a historical figure.
Unidad Creativa

Promovemos la conexión entre individuos y comunidades, utilizando el arte como herramienta para fomentar la sanación y el crecimiento personal, creando un espacio donde todos pueden florecer juntos.

La experiencia en Jardin Terapeutico fue transformadora. El arte me ayudó a conectar conmigo mismo y con los demás de una manera profunda y significativa.

María López

A mural on a wall features a serene silhouette of a person meditating beneath an abstract tree with lush green leaves. The background is a warm yellow with hints of orange and green depicting a nature-inspired scene. Above the artwork, a portion of a building is visible with the text 'Old Coffee'.
A mural on a wall features a serene silhouette of a person meditating beneath an abstract tree with lush green leaves. The background is a warm yellow with hints of orange and green depicting a nature-inspired scene. Above the artwork, a portion of a building is visible with the text 'Old Coffee'.


Ubicación Terapéutica

Nuestra terapia artística se ofrece en comunidades donde buscamos conectar y sanar a través del arte, sembrando un futuro mejor juntos.


Calle Futura 123


Martes a Viernes